Healthy Veins FoodScience of Vermont Review
This is a review of Healthy Veins. Varicose veins (or spider veins) are a growing concern for both men and women. This is a condition where the veins, usually of the legs and ankles, get enlarged and twisted. There are different products available to reduce these veins. The main aim of the product is to lessen the effects of the varicose veins and broken capillaries. A pretty great thing about the product is that it can be applied on the legs to target the varicose veins and also the nose and cheeks to target broken capillaries. Ingredients such as Phytotonine enhance the circulation in the skin and reduce the visible effects of varicose veins and broken capillaries.
Women are more commonly affected by vein issues. Approximately 25% of women and 18% of men will suffer from varicose veins. They are genetic — If one of your parents is unlucky enough to suffer from varicose veins and you are female, your chances of having them increases to 60% and if you are a male the chances are about 25%.
Unfortunately, varicose veins are a condition that can strike at any time. They can be found any place on the body but, the majority of them are found on the legs. Legs are most susceptible because they carry around so much weight at all times. Along those lines obesity is a high risk factor for varicose veins.
There are a variety of products on the market and sorting through them and selecting the best one for your needs can be confusing. Many companies trying to cash in on trends do not really care about the quality of their product, therefore their products may be ineffective. We decided to conduct some independent online research to learn about this product. Read on to find out if this product is right for your needs.
This product contains:
- Vitamin C
- Diosmin
- a proprietary blend of Butchers Broom Root Extract
- Mixed Citrus Bioflavonoids
- 60 mg of Hersperidine
The manufacturer suggests taking two capsules each day with a meal. Users with sensitive stomach should definitely take this product with food.
This product is sold through a network of retailers, not on the manufacturer website. There are currently no discounts, promotions or coupons available.
No information about a guarantee was available at this time. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product. It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.
Healthy Veins FoodScience of Vermont Review – The Bottom Line
There are a variety of products on the market and sorting through them and selecting the best one for your needs can be confusing. Many companies trying to cash in on trends do not really care about the quality of their product, therefore their products may be ineffective. We decided to conduct some independent online research to learn about this product. We found that this seems like a decent product to buy. However, we are unable to fully endorse it because of unknown information about price and guarantee.