No-Miss Anti-fungal Fungus Killer Review - For Combating Nail Fungal Infections Nail Fungus Updated March, 2025
Final Thoughts

Overall Score 62%

No-Miss Anti-fungal Fungus Killer Review

No-Miss Anti Fungal Fungus Killer is one of the topical solutions that No-Miss Ltd has positioned in the market to contribute towards nail fungus treatment. Just like all other products, this product claims to offer the following solutions:

  • It kills nail fungus;
  • Effectively kills ringworms;
  • It inhibits the growth and reproduction of fungal cells hence treating fungal infections of the skin.

The solution is marketed through the conventional channels that are the morn in the industry. Also the packaging of the solution is also packaged in the normal bottles that come with other similar products in the market.


No-Miss Anti-fungal Fungus Killer is a hybrid mix of the natural and synthetic ingredients. Its main or active ingredient is synthetic while the two inactive ingredients are both natural and synthetic.

The active ingredient is:

  • Milocazole-this is an imidazole anti-fungal agent that is commonly used to cure fungal infections.

The inactive ingredients are as follows:

  • Thymol;and
  • White iodine.


The near-fixed routine process of using No-Miss Anti-fungal Fungus Killer is a simple one. First you have to clean the infected area and then allow it some little time to dry. After that you can now apply one drop of the solution at free edge of the nail two times a day.

Side Effects

 There are no adverse side effects associated with the administration of No-Miss Anti-fungal Fungus Killer. However there are a few mild side effects that are noticed in some users around the areas where the solution has been applied, and they are as follows:

  • Redness;
  • Dryness ;and
  • Skin rash (in a few rare cases).


The price of purchasing a bottle of No-Miss Anti-fungal Fungus killer is $5.85, enough to serve you for a whole month. Any discount is at the discretion of individual vendors, but not a guarantee from the manufacturer of the product.


No-Miss Ltd does not offer any money-back guarantee for the purchase of its fungus killer. This means that you do not have fall-back recourse should it turn out that the product has proved to be ineffective.

Conclusion Of Our No-Miss Anti-fungal Fungus Killer Review

 In conclusion, we can draw the following conclusions in regard to the following basic product features:

  • Product safety-it passes the test of safety due to the absence of adverse side effects;
  • Efficacy-it does work but in most cases you will need to use it for many months, in some cases a whole year. This means that you will spend more in the long run.
  • Money-back guarantee-the product fails this test;
  • Long-term value for money-again on this matter, it fails the test because while you buy it for less, its protracted use dilutes the whole value of initial purchasing affordability;
  • Affordability-it is affordable at purchase level; and
  • Natural ingredients-it fails the test because it is a hybrid.
Reviewed & delivered by our panel of experts at Reviewy.