Logos Nutritionals Eve’s Harmony Review
Women need a product formulated to assist them during one of the most taunting and critical stage of their life known as menopause. Due to these ongoing hormonal imbalances, these symptoms can manifest themselves as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia or sleeplessness, mood swings, depression, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, memory lapses and/or loss, palpitations, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, headaches, muscle and joint pains, and if that’s not enough problems to deal with, hair loss. Logos Nutritionals Eve’s Harmony has not only been specially formulated to help alleviate these symptoms but further studies have shown their formula may also help in lessening the possiblities of heart disease and osteoporosis.
Logos Nutritionals Eve’s Harmony is made from a variety of natural ingredients that help relieve and promote well-being during all stages of menopause.
- Soy Isoflavones – has been proven to prevent cancer and helps increase the body’s level of estrogen as it drops.
- Black Cohosh – used to treat hot flashes
- Dong Quai – found to be useful in supporting female cycles. Helps reduce menopausal conditions such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes.
- Licorice Root – helps with menstrual and menopausal problems and helps increase sexual health.
- Vitex Berry – has the ability to relieve different kinds of menopausal symptoms.
- Red Clover – used to fight hormonal imbalances.
- Sage Extract – manages menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.
- False Unicorn – reduces menopausal symptoms and used to help maintain hormone levels, helps with irregular menstruation and vaginal discharge.
- Squaw Vine – helps ease hot flashes and night sweats.
- Blessed Thistle – is considered a natural remedy for menopause and menstrual cramping.
- Red Raspberry Extract – stops cramps and helps control menstrual bleeding.
- Mexican Wild Yam – helps balance menstrual cycle.
It may be of concern to the consumer that this product is not sold as allergen-free. It is produced in an area where substances such as milk, soy, wheat, peanuts, eggs, treenuts and fish may have been present.
The capsules are to be taken twice a day with meals or as directed by a healthcare provider.
One bottle is $18.99 or when purchasing in a quatity of 6 you may get 1 bottle free for $113.94. The product does not promise any money back guarantee.
Conclusion Of Our Logos Nutritionals Eve’s Harmony Review
Women need all the support they can get during those critical menopausal years. Logos Naturals Eve’s Harmony is made of all natural ingredients, but one must consider are they the best available and are they complete. It should be noted that while these are natural ingredients, they do not contain some of the proven substances that have been effective in treating menopause such as ammonium succinate.