Nutrapathic G.O.U.T Review
This is a review of Nutrapathic G.O.U.T. Gout is a type of arthritis that affects millions of people. It is cause by a uric acid accumulation up the blood and which then causes joint inflammation. There are two types of gout: acute and chronic. Acute gout is a painful condition that usually affects only one joint; Chronic gout is defined by repeat periods of pain and inflammation. With chronic gout often multiple joints are affected. This product claims to be a natural dietary supplement that keeps the urinary tract healthy, improves its function and alleviates the symptoms of gout. It aids in removal of uric acid and other toxins from the body and prevents the painful crystallization of uric acid in joints. Black cherry concentrate contains anthocyanin, which increases breakdown of deposits and cleanses the system of uric acid. Watermelon seeds contain potassium and vitamin C that help in maintaining the pH of blood and neutralizing and removing excess uric acid. Vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid manage the body’s immune response and reduce inflammation. Papain and bromelain are proteolytic enzymes that digest the deposits that form in the joints during gout, and so increase motility and reduce pain. Porcine kidney, liver and pancreatin extract help restore the healthy of your kidney, liver and pancreas. We decided to conduct some independent research online. Read on to learn more about this product and whether it is right for your situation.
Ingredients in this product include:
- Kidney (porcine);
- Tinospora cordifolia;
- Liver FD (porcine);
- Bromelain;
- Boldo leaf;
- Alpha Ketoglutaric acid;
- Trypsin;
- L-Arginine;
- Watermelon seed;
- Black cherry concentrate;
- Papain;
- L-Ornithine;
- Pancreatin (porcine).
The above components contain: Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folic acid, Pantothenic acid, Zinc and Manganese.
The suggested daily dosage is three capsules per day, one with each meal. No side effects have been reported. Contact a doctor if you do experience any side effects or allergic reactions to individual ingredients.
The listed price for a 90-capsule bottle is $19.41 but, it is priced at a discounted rate of $17.74 on third party websites. This is a good price for a product of this type and is lower than that of similar products. However, the availability of the product is limited, as it seems to have been discontinued by the company.
This product does not come with any guarantee and does not have any refund policy. Consumers want to feel confident in trying out a new product. It is disappointing that this product does not offer the security of a money back guarantee. Many comparable products offer guarantees.
Conclusion Of Our Nutrapathic G.O.U.T Review
For some reason, the company has discontinued Naturopathic G.O.U.T. This leads us to believe that there was either something wrong with the product (despite being natural) or that it was not very popular or profitable. It was cheaper than rival products and its individual components have been proven to be effective in controlling symptoms of gout.