Colovexus 2 Stage Colon Cleanser Review
Manufacturer’s Claim
As the name of the product up for review today suggests, Colovexus 2 Stage Colon Cleanser is designed as a colon cleansing aid. Colovexus says its mix of ingredients makes it stand out as the number one cleanser on the market. The first stage is designed to increase bowel movements, antral contractions and accelerate gastric emptying. The second stage Colovexus Stage 2 is designed to help replenish the body with vital vitamins and nutrients that may have been stripped away by the effective Stage 1 process.
- Magnesium
- Advanced fiber complex consisting of psyllium husk, glucomannan, senna leaf, fibersol-2, litesse, uva ursi, fennel seed
- Viscofiber
- Linum Life
- Corowise
- Buckwheat fiber
- Apple Pectin
- Vitaberry
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Magnesium Oxide
- Lactobacillus Acidophilus
- Dandelion Root
- Acai
- Milk Thistle
Exact amount of each vitamin are not listed by the manufacturer. Fibersol-2 plays an active role in colon cleansing reducing toxins and parasites that live in the digestive system; it also reduces transit times of waste out of the bowel. Linium Life improves your colon’s functioning as it is rich in fiber and antioxidant properties. It is also improves prostate health. Psyllium is known as a master cleanser that not only removes toxins, but produces a lubricated lining for the digestive tract. Viscofiber stabilizes intestinal contractions, eases constipation, and supports regular bowel motion. Litesses is not only a dietary fiber but recognized as a probiotic as well. Corowise can reduce cholesterol, help detox the liver, and improve cardiovascular health. Buckwheat, apple pectin and vitaberry cumulatively also bring their fiber and phytochemical properties to the digestive aid mix.
For Step-1, take 2 capsules in the morning with 8-12 oz of water. Then, in the afternoon, take 2 capsules of Step-2 with 8-12 oz of water.
The product is not available for purchase on the company website, but we found it on Amazon where one package of Colovexus costs $34.95. If you buy 3 packages, the price is discounted to $76.95.
Possible Side Effects
If you are allergic to any ingredient, avoid the product. Consult a doctor if you are on medication.
There is a 100% money back guarantee that is good for 90-days. You have to return 1 empty set and any remaining bottles in unopened condition.
Colovexus 2 Stage Colon Cleanser Review – The Bottom Line
We have a few positive comments and more less positive comments. The ingredients are well selected and proven in clinical trials. There is a 90 day guarantee and return policy. Less positive comments relate to its high price, and limited guarantee policy that doesn’t allow you to return opened bottles of the supplement for a refund. Colosan manages to score only average ratings from consumers overall, with a higher than expected percentage saying the product did not work at all. Because of the long list of ingredients included, there is also a higher than average risk of being allergic to one of them. You could consider changing to a more streamlined formula which also cleanses and replenishes afterwards. We suggest you look for a better priced supplement that has a broader range of positive consumer reviews.