Menozac Review - For Symptoms Associated With Menopause Menopause Updated March, 2025
Final Thoughts

Overall Score 59%

Menozac Review

Manufacturer’s Claim

Menozac is “help from Mother nature”, claims the information that Menozac posts. With its combination botanical formula with herbal extracts, they believe they have found the right supplement to ease the transition into menopause and rid women of the anxiety, irritability, night sweats and hot flashes, vaginal dryness and appetite changes that come with menopause. In this review of Menozac, we will look at all the sides of the product to help you make the final decision. Read on for our recommendation.


  • Vitamin E, 15iu
  • Proprietary blend, 550mg, including:
  • Other ingredients include: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide and water

The list of ingredients leaves much to be desired. In many menopause supplements, there is just Black Cohosh alone is included at 500mg, whereas here it is part of a mixture whose total is that amount. Moreover, some key ingredients such as Zinc, Wild Yam and Red Clover are missing. Lastly, without separate daytime and nighttime formulas, how can women feel they are receiving the 24 hour total care they truly need?


There is no information on the website, nor were we able to find such anywhere else, that advises on the number of capsules to be taken daily or for how long.


Menozac can be purchased from the manufacturer’s website for $49.95, on sale from the list price of $54.95. Based on our research of similar supplements, Menozac is more expensive than other formulas with proprietary blends that provide the same relief and have better ingredients.

Possible Side Effects

The website does not give much information on the product and therefore side effects are not listed. Most of these ingredients are natural and often used in menopause relief.


Customers must return Menozac within 30 days for a full refund. This policy is more strict than most in its category and should be kept in mind, especially knowing that we do not know the length of time to take Menozac to start seeing results.

Menozac Menopause Relief Supplement Review – The Bottom Line

While Menozac contains no harsh ingredients and, primarily, natural herbal remedies, there are too many disadvantages for us to recommend this product. The product is missing some key ingredients, which is a vital part of how customers pick their product. There are no instructions on how to use Menozac, when to take it, for how long, etc. This could cause unnecessary confusion and is easily avoided if the company followed standard practice by listing this information. In addition, they advise that they have done clinical studies but our research has found none. Lastly, reviews are few and far between but most of the users suggest it does not work, and that they had trouble getting their money back. We suggest finding a more appropriate product with all the information provided up front so that you know better how to take it and what to expect.

Reviewed & delivered by our panel of experts at Reviewy.